There was so much creativity and camaraderie all around.
We put up our tents, displayed our wares, let people wander by.
Everyone was there to have a good time, to enjoy each other’s creativity.
The atmosphere was complimentary to a beautiful, though hot, day.
Families came together.
Friends shared delights in one booth and then the next.
Certain wares spoke to certain people.
No one was required to visit anything that did not appeal to them.
People moved as their attention was drawn to one thing or another.
We all supported one another.
The organizers sponsored lots of things to drink so we could all stay hydrated.
The food vendors provided wonderful things to eat.
The sound from the stages was not too loud.
The emcee was creative and supportive for all the performers.
People were introduced to my new products.
In a temporary setting, we all built community.
© 2012 Kathryn Hardage